I've been told by a few (ok, many) that I should record some of the more
outlandish tales of males gone wrong and I guess, maybe in a way, it will be
therapeutic and I'll be able to stop shaking my head every time I think of
it... And so, I give you
Tale of the Unbelievably Needy Boy
was my first semester attending college, wayyyyyyy back, spring two thousand
and NINE (yes, FOUR years ago) and I was in my English 1A basic comp class. As
such, I'm never apposed to making new friends, so when buckero over here sat
down by me and started chatting me up- sure, I was flattered. Sure, he was
short and younger than me, but only by eighteen months, and so I thought, hey,
what the heck. He was good looking and social and a fast talker, which led to
our going out one or two times-- then it became apparent he had the world's
worst a fairly bad case of little man syndrome, and his constant need
for attention out of and in the class room continued to get me,
goody-two-shoes, in trouble with the instructor, as this dude simply could not
keep his mouth shut.
to say, I lost interest hard and fast and cut off any extracurricular hang out
times, which was easily do able when the semester ended. I managed to avoid his
texts and fb private messages that summer, and while we supposedly go to the
same church, I've only seen him in attendance maybe twice?, both times of which
I've ducked my head and let my hair fall in front of my face. Very mature of
me, I know.
all that to say, I met this guy in 09, went out maybe two times and I have
avoided him ever since. In the mean time, I continued to attend college and
work, he went to Joshua Wilderness at Hume and yettttt... Every four to six
month I get a fb message from him, asking if we can hang out.
kid you not, over the last four years; like clockwork.
you might be asking yourself, why are you even friends on facebook, you have
multiple degrees of separation before you have mutual friends and you haven't
been out since '09.
to you and I, common folk, we wouldn't continue to pursue something that is
clearly nothing, HOWEVER, this boy is clearly no mortal- he's indestructible
can't-take-no-for-an-answer-boy! When we met in '09 he added me on facebook;
ok, no problem, we're friends, we're hanging out = facebook friends.
then I realized he's one of the last people I want in my life, so I *gasp*
unfriended him. I didn't care to see his business, and he doesn't need to see
mine. NBD, right? Wrong. I get a friend add from him again, with a guilt ridden
message asking why we're not friends. And I, in all my harmonizer glory, while
not replying to his message, re-add him. Only to unfriend him again a few
months later, thinking he wouldn't notice. Wrong again! I'm not kidding, this
guy has readded me at least three times.
Real. [In typing this out, this is all very creepy ….I'm starting to think
maybe I need a restraining order...]
so fast-forward to this year. This
spring I, again, get an unsolicited private message from him on facebook saying
“We should hang out some time! Text me!” and gives me his number.
really? No.
So I
ignore the message, and even more, ignore his demand to text him. I have at no point in the last three
years shown any interest to be his friend, hang out with him…. If we had mutual
friends and were at a party or gathering together, would I be friendly towards
him; sure, because I’m a nice person (well, no, at this point I wouldn’t give
him any sort of attention as he’s clearly crazy) but I have no need to create
pseudo friendships based on private facebook messages and texting.
so I submit for your consideration: Exhibit A – a screen shot of our private
facebook message.
Please notice, his use of emoticons to express his distress
and my kind, if not generic, reply to stop this. And then his yet again
unsolicited message this last week.
dude?. Stop.
embarrassing yourself.
so to this last message I almost replied “Is this what they taught you in
Joshua?” but I felt compelled to stick with simply not replying.
Seriously. What would YOU do? Any tips, tricks or comments? I'm open to suggestions as clearly my current course of action (or lack there of) is not producing the desired results. . .
there you have it friends, how to make enemies and alienate people. I just can’t figure out what is going
on in his little noggin that he keeps trying- I mean, props to him for NEVER
giving up, but for real dude, stop.
is real life: I get creepy young dudes with little man syndrome who are hella
annoying. Yay me.
I unfriended him.
tuned to when he adds me.
aintgottimeforthis girl
ps. it should be mentioned, this male is a 24 year old specimen of the current human race.
doesn't give much hope does it...
ps. it should be mentioned, this male is a 24 year old specimen of the current human race.
doesn't give much hope does it...
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